Friday, July 11, 2008

Welcome Natural Beauties

ROCK YOUR NATURAL IS ABOUT LOVING YOUR NATURAL HAIR! Your beautiful fro', kinky twists, kinky curls and waves, and so much more is more than today's trend, its a part of you! Here, we embrace our natural hair and give a big "No Maa'm" to all those who have nothing but negative things to say about our hair. We're doing away with Imus' "nappy headed h*es" and Glamour magazines's "natural hair is not for the workplace" ideaology. Bye Bye "Good hair/bad hair antics".
Rock your's hot, its beautiful, and its real!

p.s. I'm not here to rag on my sistas who like to wear their hair straight. I'm also not here to exclude any race. All women with naturally curly, kinky, wavy or straight hair are welcome to this site!!!

Welcome. Happy reading!


Anonymous said...

Awesome blog :o) I look forward to reading and learning to care for my natural hair, this is the shortest I've had my hair. I recently cut the relaxed ends off, looking forward to more growth though. Still I love where I am.


Ayanna~The Product Mixtress said...

Thanks Olivia!

I look forward to giving my 2 cents as well! I know that stage in the natural hair growth cycle. Hang in there girl, just hang in there!

Rachel said...

These blogs have helped me gain confidence in letting my hair grow natural. I have been thinking about it for a whilr but have finally managed to take the step. Thanks for all the info and details. I am so excited to read more about what i can do with natural hair and how to get there. It will take a while but I'm hoping it is worth it.
